(한국어는 아래에 있습니다.)
Are you a lover of African music dance instruments fashion and so on?
Show your talent on the 7th Seoul Africa Festival (SAF) - Asia Africa Talent Award stage 😎🙌
As SAF is the largest festival in Korea that solely focuses on the topics of Africa,
it provides an unique opportunity for visitors to experience the rich and diverse culture of African continent,
as well as promotes partnership and cooperation between organizations related to Africa.
◆ ABOUT SAF: Seoul Africa Festival
Since its inception in 2016, the Seoul Africa Festival has been an annual extravaganza dedicated to introducing the captivating tapestry of African cultures and charms to the Korean public. It stands proudly as the first and the largest festival of its kind in Korea, a testament to our commitment to celebrating the beauty and diversity of Africa. With the resounding slogan, "Meet Africa’s Diverse Charms in the City of Seoul!" this festival has consistently drawn an astonishing average of 50,000 enthusiastic attendees over the past six years.
The premier program of Seoul Africa Festival is back with its new branding ,
AFTA (Asia Africa Talent Award),
offering you the perfect stage to unleash your unique talent! 🌍✨
AFTA is your opportunity to shine on one of the largest stages in (and beyond) Korea dedicated to celebrating the vibrant cultures of Africa. Whether you're a performer or a fashion enthusiast, this is your chance to showcase your skills and be part of an unforgettable event.
📌 Categories
1. Performance: Dance | Singing | Instruments
2. Fashion: Models | Designers
No matter where you’re from or what genre you excel in, if you have a passion for Africa, we want to see your talent!
📌Key Dates
Application Period: Until September 12 (Thurs), 2024 (23:59:59)
Pre-audition: September 21 (Sat), 2024 (Venue and time TBD)
Rehearsal (applied to II Fashion Show): October 11, 2024, at the SAF Stage (time TBD)
Final Round: October 12, 2024, at the SAF Stage
[ I. Performance ]
📍 Who can apply?
Regardless of genre, including singing, dancing, comedy, and musical instruments, any performance related to Africa is OK!
Not only people from the African continent, but anyone who loves Africa can participate!
Due to time and place restrictions, please set the performance time to at least 3 minutes and not longer than 8 minutes!
📍How to Apply?
📍 Selection Criteria
1. Suitability with Seoul Africa Festival's purpose and vision
2. Contents related to the topic of Africa
3. Creativity of the performance
📍 Prizes
[ II Fashion ]
📍 Who can apply?
📍How to Apply?
📍 Selection Criteria
1. Suitability with Seoul Africa Festival's purpose and vision
2. Contents related to the topic of Africa
3. Physical Attributes, Experience and Portfolio
📍 Prizes
Certificates will be issued to all selected models for main stage fashion show
Two selected main models for fashion show opening for will be awarded cash prizes and trophies worth a total of 1 million KRW.
Join us and make your mark on this extraordinary event.
Apply now to secure your spot on this prestigious stage! The stage is yours!
Hosted & Organized by : Africa Insight
Date : October 12, 2024 (Sat)
Venue : Banpo Hangang Park Moonlight Square
Contact Phone: 02)6082-0801
E-mail: saf@africainsight.org
SNS: instagram.com/seoulafricafestival_official/
(한국어는 아래에 있습니다.)
Are you a lover of African music dance instruments fashion and so on?
Show your talent on the 7th Seoul Africa Festival (SAF) - Asia Africa Talent Award stage 😎🙌
As SAF is the largest festival in Korea that solely focuses on the topics of Africa,
it provides an unique opportunity for visitors to experience the rich and diverse culture of African continent,
as well as promotes partnership and cooperation between organizations related to Africa.
◆ ABOUT SAF: Seoul Africa Festival
Since its inception in 2016, the Seoul Africa Festival has been an annual extravaganza dedicated to introducing the captivating tapestry of African cultures and charms to the Korean public. It stands proudly as the first and the largest festival of its kind in Korea, a testament to our commitment to celebrating the beauty and diversity of Africa. With the resounding slogan, "Meet Africa’s Diverse Charms in the City of Seoul!" this festival has consistently drawn an astonishing average of 50,000 enthusiastic attendees over the past six years.
The premier program of Seoul Africa Festival is back with its new branding ,
AFTA (Asia Africa Talent Award),
offering you the perfect stage to unleash your unique talent! 🌍✨
AFTA is your opportunity to shine on one of the largest stages in (and beyond) Korea dedicated to celebrating the vibrant cultures of Africa. Whether you're a performer or a fashion enthusiast, this is your chance to showcase your skills and be part of an unforgettable event.
📌 Categories
1. Performance: Dance | Singing | Instruments
2. Fashion: Models | Designers
No matter where you’re from or what genre you excel in, if you have a passion for Africa, we want to see your talent!
📌Key Dates
Application Period: Until September 12 (Thurs), 2024 (23:59:59)
Pre-audition: September 21 (Sat), 2024 (Venue and time TBD)
Rehearsal (applied to II Fashion Show): October 11, 2024, at the SAF Stage (time TBD)
Final Round: October 12, 2024, at the SAF Stage
[ I. Performance ]
📍 Who can apply?
Regardless of genre, including singing, dancing, comedy, and musical instruments, any performance related to Africa is OK!
Not only people from the African continent, but anyone who loves Africa can participate!
Due to time and place restrictions, please set the performance time to at least 3 minutes and not longer than 8 minutes!
📍How to Apply?
Complete the application form below and submit your performance video.
📍 Selection Criteria
1. Suitability with Seoul Africa Festival's purpose and vision
2. Contents related to the topic of Africa
3. Creativity of the performance
📍 Prizes
A total of 2 million KRW worth of cash prizes and gifts will be awarded to the final winners! 🏆
[ II Fashion ]
📍 Who can apply?
Anyone who has a passion for fashion and Africa :)
📍How to Apply?
Complete the application form below (include your basic info and comp card or portfolio)
📍 Selection Criteria
1. Suitability with Seoul Africa Festival's purpose and vision
2. Contents related to the topic of Africa
3. Physical Attributes, Experience and Portfolio
📍 Prizes
Certificates will be issued to all selected models for main stage fashion show
Two selected main models for fashion show opening for will be awarded cash prizes and trophies worth a total of 1 million KRW.
Join us and make your mark on this extraordinary event.
Apply now to secure your spot on this prestigious stage! The stage is yours!
Hosted & Organized by : Africa Insight
Date : October 12, 2024 (Sat)
Venue : Banpo Hangang Park Moonlight Square
Contact Phone: 02)6082-0801
E-mail: saf@africainsight.org
SNS: instagram.com/seoulafricafestival_official/
◆ 서울아프리카페스티벌 소개
아프리카 관련 국내외 커뮤니티와 프로그램들이 한 곳에 모이는 축제로서 시민들에게 아프리카의 다양한 문화와 매력을 체험할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 2016 개최를 시작으로, 총 6회를 진행하였으며, 재작년 기준 5만 명의 방문객을 기록한 국내 최대 규모의 아프리카 문화 예술 페스티벌입니다.
서울아프리카페스티벌의 대표 무대이자 패션 프로그램이 새로운 브랜딩,
AFTA (Asia Africa Talent Award)로 여러분을 찾아옵니다! 🌍✨
AFTA는 아프리카 대륙의 풍부하고 다채로운 문화를 주제로, 한국 (나아가 아시아) 최대 규모의 무대에서 여러분의 재능을 마음껏 발휘할 수 있는 특별한 기회를 제공합니다. 자신있는 분야에서 자신만의 매력을 뽐내고, 잊지 못할 축제의 주인공이 되어보세요. 아프리카에 대한 열정과 끼를 발산하고 싶었지만, 기회가 없어서 망설였던 분들을 위해 'AFTA' 오디션 프로그램이 진행됩니다!
📌 모집 분야
1. 퍼포먼스: 댄스 | 노래 | 연주
2. 패션: 모델 | 디자이너
📌 주요 일정
모집 기간: 2024년 9월 12일 (목) (23:59:59) 까지
예선전: 2024년 9월 21일 (토) (장소 및 시간 추후 공지 예정)
리허설(2부 패션쇼에 한함): 2024년 10월 11일(금), 서울아프리카페스티벌 무대 (시간 추후 공지 예정)
본선: 2024년 10월 12일(토), 서울아프리카페스티벌 무대
[ 1부 퍼포먼스 ]
📌 지원 조건
춤, 댄스, 연주, 연극 등 장르 불문 아프리카 관련 퍼포먼스는 무엇이든 OK!
아프리카 대륙에서 오신 분뿐만이 아니라 아프리카를 사랑하는 분이라면 누구든!
공연시간은 시간과 장소의 제약으로 최소 3분, 최대 8분으로 맞춰주세요!
📌 지원 방법
아래 신청서를 통해 접수해 주시고 퍼포먼스 영상 제출해 주세요.
📌 선발 기준
1. 장르와 축제의 목적/취지와의 부합성
2. 아프리카 주제와의 연관성
3. 콘텐츠의 창의성
📌 상금 및 상품: 심사를 통해 본선 수상자에게는 총 200만원 상당의 상금/상품이 수여됩니다! 🏆
[ 2부 패션 ]
📌 지원 조건
아프리카 대륙과 패션에 관심이 있는 누구나! 신청 가능합니다!
📌 지원 방법
아래 신청서를 작성해주세요 (개인정보, 모델 경우 컴카드(신체정보 필수), 브랜드일 경우 브랜드 소개)
📌 선발 기준
1. 장르와 축제의 목적/취지와의 부합성
2. 아프리카 주제와의 연관성
2. 신체 조건, 런웨이 경험 및 포트폴리오
📌 상금 및 상품
패션쇼 본 무대 모델로 선정된 모두에게 인증서가 발급되며,
패션쇼 오프닝 매인 모델로 선정된 두 명에게 총 100만원 상당의 상금과 상패가 수여됩니다.
지금 바로 신청하여 제7회 서울아프리카페스티벌에서 여러분의 빛나는 재능을 마음껏 펼치세요. 무대는 여러분의 것입니다!
- 주최 및 주관: 사단법인 아프리카인사이트
- 후원: 서울특별시
- 일시 : 2024년 10월 12일 (토)
- 장소 : 반포한강공원 달빛 무지개 분수 앞 ( 서울 서초구 신반포로11길 40 )
- 문의
전화번호 : 02)6082-0801
e-mail : saf@africainsight.org
인스타채널 : instagram.com/seoulafricafestival_official/